I am trying to use ui.vision RPA Extension in Firefox to type todays day in a text box as a number field ( example: 08), then month in a different box (example: 04), then year in a seperate box (example: 2021)
I have seen the following code to use day/month/year
executeScript | var d= new Date(); var m=((d.getMonth()+1)<10)?'0'+(d.getMonth()+1):(d.getMonth()+1); return d.getFullYear()+"-"+m+"-"+d.getDate(); | result
However, how would I break this down to have just day, then just month, then just year? I feel if I tear this formula apart I will break it
My command is: type
Target: id=id-applicationDate.day
Value: 08
Would I change this to
Command: type
Target: id=id-applicationDate.day
value: ${result}
and have the execute script code as:
executeScript | var d= new Date(); d.getDate(); | result
Thank you