Is it possible to loop through tabs while using csv cells for each tab.
I am using {!COL1} {!COL2}… to fill a form several times, and I need to do it through tabs, and for each tab I need it to loop a different cell such as Col1 row2 text for the tab2, and the cell of col1 row3 for the tab3 , and so on…
Thanks in advance,
March 8, 2020, 10:45am
How many rows does your CSV file have?
Yes you can you need to save a stored var with counters for tab number and !csvReadLineNumber and increment it after loop.
40 rows or more
columns 14
I need to specify the row and column as value instead of just {!COL1} {!COL2}…
In my opinion this is a simple question
You create 1 simple loop and add in first command this
You can use different counter too.
"Command": "selectWindow",
"Target": "tab=open",
"Value": "your-url"
At the end of loop you add counter increaser
"Command": "executeScript_Sandbox",
"Target": "return number ${counter} + 1;",
"Value": "counter"
And change line in csv with
"Command": "executeScript",
"Target": "return Number(${!counter})",
"Value": "!csvReadLineNumber"
Thanks for your reply , it works although I find an easy way to do it by simply looping while ending the script with a selectwindow command.
Thanks a lot for the help
March 9, 2020, 12:06pm
I am glad to read that you found a solution.
I need to specify the row and column as value instead of just {!COL1} {!COL2}…
This will be available in a future update. Then we will have something like ${!CSV}[row,column]
Hi this new feature is wonderful.
The old command {!COL1} {!COL2} will continue to be maintained for compatibility with old macro in ui vision ?