Incorrect links on UI.Vision XModule Archive page


There are mismatches between the rendered HTML text showing the version number and the actual version number in the filenames of the download links. I’m looking for older macOS package installers but for the sake of completeness here are all the mismatches I noticed, highlighted like this:

Archive - Ui.Vision RPA Software

Older Versions:

Interesting. Can I ask why you need an older version?

For the reported links: Thanks for the hint, we will fix this soon.

Thanks for asking – although I’m able to download the latest macOS RealUser XModule, and running the package installer completes successfully, it keeps saying it is not installed even when I click on “test it”. This is on the Mac of an elderly friend of mine who is running Firefox 115.8.0esr under macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra). Firefox 115.8esr is the latest that runs on macOS 10.14 and below, and unfortunately upgrading to a newer macOS isn’t an option.

As far as I know, RealUser XModule is no longer officially supported under this older macOS release. Trying an older RealUser XModule seemed like a viable option based on the forum posts I’ve been perusing over the last few days. I know resolving this is a long shot, but I thought I would try.

Except for XModule, UI.Vision RPA 6.2.6 has been working extremely well under this macOS and Firefox version for well over a year.