I’m developing a macro to update several web pages.(and am relatively new to UI Vision). I’m developing the macro in the office and connected to the company network. I’m able to un through a number of records without any issues.
I’ve turned the macro over to several users and they do not get the same results.
1 field the macro enters into in is the Wallet ID. In the office, it works fine. When a user is running if from home over a VPN, we can see the macro enter the Wallet ID and move to the next field. The web page then displays a message that the field must be entered… We can clearly see the information is in the Wallet ID field.
I’m wondering what is going on. I’m guessing there is some validation going on behind the scenes to verify that the user has entered a valid Wallet ID. I originally thought it was a bad Walled ID but the user went in and manually entered the Wallet ID and it worked just fine.
(Side note: A user had a record where they needed to enter a Credit Card number and Expiration date. We watched the macro enter both pieces of information and similar to the Wallet ID, when the macro pushed the pay button, the application displayed a message that the transaction failed.)
This behavior seems to apply to users when they are working from home over a VPN.
Has anyone experienced a similar behavior with a macro. Any suggestions on how to cure / correct this behavior so our remote workers can use this macro?
Thanks in advance for your help…