I want to start a test case from command line and run it using PLAY LOOP from second line.
Is it possible ?
If I change the csv line number
say , if csvlinenumber==1
increment csv line number
any suggestions ? @ulrich/@admin
Thanks a lor
I want to start a test case from command line and run it using PLAY LOOP from second line.
Is it possible ?
If I change the csv line number
say , if csvlinenumber==1
increment csv line number
any suggestions ? @ulrich/@admin
Thanks a lor
You can not “press” the LOOP button via command line. But you not need this, if you use a While… End loop inside your macro.
If needed, you can send values from the command line to the macro via the &!cmd_var1=VALUE parameter.
To start in row 2 for the CSV reading, use Store | 2 | !csvReadLinenumber
, see UI Automation Open-Source Selenium IDE plus additional features, iMacros alternative
Thanks @Timo It was really helpful . Thanks a lot.