IF function with true not working

Hi there got the following scenario:

  "Name": "Team Emails",
  "CreationDate": "2022-10-24",
  "Commands": [
      "Command": "csvRead",
      "Target": "emails.csv",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": "xero"
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "true",
      "Value": "!errorignore",
      "Description": "reconcile"
      "Command": "executeScript_Sandbox",
      "Target": "return Number (1)",
      "Value": "currentRow",
      "Description": "reconcile"
      "Command": "while_v2",
      "Target": "${currentRow} <= ${!CSVREADMAXROW}",
      "Value": "currentRow",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "${currentRow}",
      "Value": "!CSVREADLINENUMBER",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "csvRead",
      "Target": "emails.csv",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "30",
      "Value": "!timeout_wait",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "bringBrowserToForeground",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "!timeout_wait",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "open",
      "Target": " ${!COL1}",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "verifyElementPresent",
      "Target": "xpath=//*[@id=\"gb\"]/div[2]/div[3]/div/div[2]/div/div/img",
      "Value": "",
      "Targets": [
        "css=#gb > div.gb_Ld.gb_2d.gb_Rd > div.gb_Vd.gb_Xa.gb_Kd.gb_Zd > div.gb_Re > div.gb_ia.gb_lg.gb_f > div.gb_ja > div > img"
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "pause",
      "Target": "10000",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "6",
      "Value": "!timeout_wait",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "true",
      "Value": "!STATUSOK",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "verifyElementPresent",
      "Target": "/html/body/div[8]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/span/div[1]/span/span[2]",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "if_v2",
      "Target": "${!statusOK} == true",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "storeText",
      "Target": "/html/body/div[8]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/span/div[1]/span/span[2]",
      "Value": "Amount",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "gotoLabel",
      "Target": "forms",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "else",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "verifyElementPresent",
      "Target": "xpath=//*[@id=\":3t\"]/span/span[2]",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "if_v2",
      "Target": "${!statusOK} == true",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "storeText",
      "Target": "xpath=//*[@id=\":3t\"]/span/span[2]",
      "Value": "Amount",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "gotoLabel",
      "Target": "forms",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "else",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "verifyElementPresent",
      "Target": "xpath=//*[@id=\":2y\"]/span/span[2]",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "if_v2",
      "Target": "${!statusOK} == true",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "storeText",
      "Target": "xpath=//*[@id=\":2y\"]/span/span[2]",
      "Value": "Amount",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "gotoLabel",
      "Target": "forms",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "else",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "verifyElementPresent",
      "Target": "/html/body/div[7]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/span/div[1]/span/span[2]",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "if_v2",
      "Target": "${!statusOK} == true",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "storeText",
      "Target": "/html/body/div[7]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/span/div[1]/span/span[2]",
      "Value": "Amount",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "gotoLabel",
      "Target": "forms",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "else",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "0",
      "Value": "Amount",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "gotoLabel",
      "Target": "forms",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "end",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "end",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "end",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "end",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "label",
      "Target": "forms",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "open",
      "Target": "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvczhSZhCe_dlGZfwKFzXXNW6zCyGhWFNnxgpqop_tgxCDXw/viewform",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "visualVerify",
      "Target": "form1_dpi_87.png",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "type",
      "Target": "/html/body/div[1]/div[3]/form/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/input",
      "Value": " ${!COL2}",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "type",
      "Target": "/html/body/div[1]/div[3]/form/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/input",
      "Value": " ${amount}",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "click",
      "Target": "/html/body/div[1]/div[3]/form/div[2]/div/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div/span",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "visualVerify",
      "Target": "formfilled_dpi_87.png",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "label",
      "Target": "return",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "executeScript_Sandbox",
      "Target": "return Number (${!CSVREADLINENUMBER}) +1;",
      "Value": "currentRow",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "end",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "selectWindow",
      "Target": "tab=closeallother",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "selectWindow",
      "Target": "tab=close",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""

but the if statusok ==true doesnt seem to work anymore, it finds the element, but then the statusOK doesnt seem to recognise if its true or not anymore and just sees it as false always.

this is a gmail macro where it tries to pull how many emails are older than one day on a daily basis.

Hi, can you recreate the issue with a public website so that we can run and test and debug it?