How to store href from image?

@admin @Plankton @ulrich

I need to store href (target url) from an image.

I tried without success store attribute

What can I store the href (url target destination) from an image ?

See image, i want to store href from my profile photo


Storeattribute | //@[data-user-card=“newuserkantu”]@href | nom_variable

Seems storeattribute not working in image

Show this error

* [error][ignored]

[Line 1] missing attribute 'href'

I search a solution thanks

Which attribute do you want ? Href ? Src ?
Can you put tour command Line ?

This image element does not have a href attribute. Thus the RPA error message. But the element has a scr="…" value, so with the @scr attribute the link scraping works.



  "Name": "getlink",
  "CreationDate": "2020-11-2",
  "Commands": [
      "Command": "open",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": ""
      "Command": "storeAttribute",
      "Target": "xpath=//*[@id=\"post_1\"]/div/div/a/img@src",
      "Value": "aa"
      "Command": "echo",
      "Target": "aa=${aa}",
      "Value": "green"

You need a good advanced xpath because every image clickable have href but need a particular xpath to detect it (every clickable image have a href attribute)

More complex automations require advanced xpath like xpath axes, ui vision can not record these xpath types, need external tools.

There are numerous different types of xpaths but you don’t talk in this forum but they are very useful and allow you to do numerous advanced jobs that with a classic xpath you could not do. Ui vision recognizes only 10% of the xpaths available on one element, there is another 90% of different xpaths available advanced to perform complex automations.

Here the solution

Macro code:

  "Name": "StoreAttribute_Href_Image",
  "CreationDate": "2020-11-2",
  "Commands": [
      "Command": "storeAttribute",
      "Target": "xpath=(//a[@data-user-card='newuserkantu']//img)[1]//parent::a@href",
      "Value": "Href"
      "Command": "echo",
      "Target": "Href In Image: ${Href}",
      "Value": "#shownotification"


* [status]

Playing macro StoreAttribute_Href_Image

* [info]

Executing: | storeAttribute | xpath=(//a[@data-user-card='newuserkantu']//img)[1]//parent::a@href | Href |

* [info]

Executing: | echo | Href In Image: ${Href} | #shownotification |

* [echo]

Href In Image: /u/newuserkantu

* [info]

Macro completed (Runtime 0.82s)

@newuserkantu Thanks for this very interesting post, I learned something new :slight_smile:

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