How to run suite multiple times

i have a suite which have multiple macros.
I need to run this suites multiple times.
How to do that?

Guide me pl.

The best is to use the UI Vision RPA command line api. You can tell UI Vision to run the complete test suite with -folder teststuite and then loop over it.

Here is a solution for Powershell.

function PlayAndWaitCCC ([string]$macro)

$timeout_seconds = 60 #max time in seconds allowed for macro to complete (change this value if  your macros takes longer to run)
$path_downloaddir = "c:\1tmp\" #where the kantu log file is stored ("downloaded") *THIS MUST BE THE BROWSER DOWNLOAD FOLDER*, as specified in the browser settings
$path_autorun_html = "c:/1tmp/dc2.html"

#Optional: Kill Chrome instances (if any open)
#taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe /T 

#Create log file. Here Kantu will store the result of the macro run
$log = "log_" + $(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm_ss) + ".txt" 
$path_log = $path_downloaddir + $log 

#Build command line
#$cmd = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
##For FIREFOX use: 
$cmd = "${env:ProgramFiles}\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
$arg = """file:///"+ $path_autorun_html + "?folder="+ $macro + "&storage=xfile&closeKantu=1&closeBrowser=1&continueInLastUsedTab=1&direct=1&savelog="+$log+""""


Start-Process -FilePath $cmd -ArgumentList $arg #Launch the browser and run the macro

#############Wait for macro to complete => Wait for log file to appear in download folder
$status_runtime = 0
Write-Host  "Log file will show up at " + $path_log
while (!(Test-Path $path_log) -and ($status_runtime -lt $timeout_seconds)) 
    Write-Host  "Waiting for macro to finish, seconds=" $status_runtime
    Start-Sleep 1
    $status_runtime = $status_runtime + 1 

#Macro done - or timeout exceeded:
if ($status_runtime -lt $timeout_seconds)
    #Read FIRST line of log file, which contains the status of the last run
    $status_text = Get-Content $path_log -First 1

    #Check if macro completed OK or not
    $status_int = -1     
    If ($status_text -contains "Status=OK") {$status_int = 1}

    $status_text =  "Macro did not complete within the time given:" + $timeout_seconds
    $status_int = -2
    #Cleanup => Kill Chrome instance 
    #taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe /T   

remove-item $path_log #clean up
return $status_int, $status_text, $status_runtime

#        Main program starts here

$testreport = "c:\test\test-folder.txt"

For ($i=0; $i -le 20000; $i++) {

#$result = PlayAndWait demo/core/demoautofill

$errortext = $result[1] #Get error text or OK
$runtime = $result[2] #Get runtime
#$report =[string] $i + "part1: ("+$runtime+" seconds), result: "+ $errortext
#Write-Host $report
#Add-content $testreport -value ($report)

Start-Sleep -s 2

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Since 3.5.17 there is the new option to play testsuites in loops:

In this screenshot it will play the demo/core folder test suite 200 times.