How to make the script reads from where it left off?

Hello, I am working on a script to automate the opening URLs on the browser, reading from a CSV file containing one URL per row, the number of URLs to be used depends on the generated number in the script, but when I want to run the script again, I want it to start from where it left off.
In the following script, I tried to save the index to a CSV file but failed, anyone can help me out? I am grateful.
I get an error of:
Line 12: No data to save to CSV

  "Name": "Test-URL-index",
  "CreationDate": "2024-12-22",
  "Commands": [
      "Command": "csvReadArray",
      "Target": "url-1.csv",
      "Value": "urlsArray",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "0",
      "Value": "urlIndex",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "csvReadArray",
      "Target": "progress2.csv",
      "Value": "progressArray",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "0",
      "Value": "ProgIndex",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "executeScript_Sandbox",
      "Target": "return Math.floor(Math.random() * (4 - 2 + 1) + 2);",
      "Value": "totalUrl",
      "Description": "Generate a random number between 3 and 15 for how many comments to post"
      "Command": "while_v2",
      "Target": "${urlIndex} < ${totalUrl}",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "executeScript_Sandbox",
      "Target": "return ${urlsArray}[${urlIndex}][0];",
      "Value": "currentUrl",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "open",
      "Target": "${currentUrl}",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "echo",
      "Target": " URL Opened: ${currentUrl}",
      "Value": "green",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "executeScript_Sandbox",
      "Target": "return Number(${urlIndex}) + 1;",
      "Value": "urlIndex",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "echo",
      "Target": "This is URL Index: ${urlIndex}",
      "Value": "green",
      "Description": "Output current values"
      "Command": "csvSave",
      "Target": "progress2.csv",
      "Value": "${urlIndex}",
      "Description": "Save last processed index as string"
      "Command": "endWhile",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""

See here: Mark CSV line as done