How to increase delay time


I am working on desktop automation and I am using xclick command. To select the target the bot takes 3 seconds to capture the screen shot. Is there any way that I can increase the 3 second delay time as I am working on remote machine and the tool is not able to capture the correct screen shot of the screen. I need to increase this delay time so that I can navigate to correct screen. Please suggest

Good point. Actually we plan to add this option in the next updates, along with some other cool features for easier desktop screenshot taking. Right now this time can not be changed.

Workaround: You can use any external tool to create the screenshots, e. g. the Windows snipping tool or KSnip on Mac/Linux. If on a HiDPI screen, make sure to add the correct DPI information e. g. _dpi_144 at the end of the file name. If you do not add the DPI information, the tool assumes the screenshot was taken at the standard 96dpi resolution.

In the RPA software, go to the Visual tab, and use the “Load Image” button to import the image: