I am trying to do a web scrapping on an popup window.
I don’t know how focus the popup window. When I use the storetext command and try to select some element of the popup window, the window behind the popup window that gets the focus.
I’ve tried too, use the selectWindow command with the title of the popou, although I 've known that this command is to tabs.
If you only have a few popups to read (= no high-volume high-speed web scraping needed) then you can use screen scraping with the OCRExtractRelative command:
I’ve tried to use the OCRExtractRelative command as you suggested. Although, the green and pink boxes didn’t appear. Then I’ve used the SELECT button to extract the information, but when I’ve clicked on the FIND button there was a error message: Cannot find green and/or pink boxes.
Taking advantage of the question, Is it possible to put the focus on a popup window?