Hi, I’d like to force the scenario before to begin with next steps in macro and I was wondering if there is a way to get the number of tabs opened. I haven´t found a command for that, only this thread. It is mentioned that are some ways to do it, but it wasn´t mentioned how.
Only with the absolute tab number I’m not able to know how many tabs are opened. I need to force the scenario to work only with 2 tabs. Info there are opened 4 tabs and the current selected tab is the 3rd one, then the absolute tab would give me 2, but that doesn’t tell me that actually are 4 tabs.
I’ve been doing that so far, closing all other tabs and construct the scenario from the beginning, which involves some extra steps that wouldn’t be needed if I could get the number of tabs. I asked because it was mentioned that there are some ways to do it. Thanks for answer