How to: Close if..?

I am new to this RPA, and have some issue whit a script.
Hope someone can help me out here.

Thank you :wink:

${!statusOK} tells you if there was an error.

Before line 6 insert this:

  • store | true | !errorignore

After line 6 insert this:

  • if | ${!statusOK} == false
  • ThrowError | Macro stopped because Line 6 did not work
  • End
  • store | false| !errorignore

See also: If IMAGE do THIS - YouTube

…but after I typed all this I think: Actually, if the XClick image in Line 6 is not found, RPA software will stop anyway, or?

Thanks for youre answer, ulrich.
I will try to explain better wat i want from the macro.

Line 6 will in the program do an update, but if there is no new data to update the link will not show in the program and an error will show i UI.Vision. Therefore i would like to close the program, and UI.Vision if this happen.

Therefore i would like to close the program, and UI.Vision if this happen.

So if an error happens inside uivision, then you want to close the complete Uivision window? Or maybe it is enough to bring the browser to the foreground?