Hi. I would like a help and read the article:
It was very useful with the variable content (clickAndWait) but following the example of the article on the New York Times blog as can be done to open 5 articles at the same time in different tabs. I can perform it in imacro was as follows.
EVENT TYPE=CLICK SELECTOR="#room_list>LI:nth-of-type(2)>A" BUTTON=0 MODIFIERS="ctrl"
I hope you can help me.
February 4, 2020, 11:25am
I have not used iMacros for a long time. Can you please describe what exactly you want to achieve?
open 5 articles at the same time in different tabs.
Is this what you want to do?
I used imacros from 10 years, all you can make with imacros you can do with ui vision
Hi Ulrich if this is what I want to do.
Hi newuserkantu could you help me to say how I can open 5 links at the same time in different tabs. Thank you
I can open 5 link in different tabs but not in same time, because ui vision execute command in order (one after one), in same time it’s impossible with delay is easy.
This open 5 links in 5 different tabs
"Name": "Open_Muliple_Link",
"CreationDate": "2020-2-4",
"Commands": [
"Command": "store",
"Target": "true",
"Value": "!errorignore"
"Command": "bringBrowserToForeground",
"Target": "",
"Value": ""
"Command": "selectWindow",
"Target": "tab=open",
"Value": "https://www.google.com/?link1"
"Command": "selectWindow",
"Target": "tab=open",
"Value": "https://www.google.com/?link2"
"Command": "selectWindow",
"Target": "tab=open",
"Value": "https://www.google.com/?link3"
"Command": "selectWindow",
"Target": "tab=open",
"Value": "https://www.google.com/?link4"
"Command": "selectWindow",
"Target": "tab=open",
"Value": "https://www.google.com/?link5"
"Command": "waitForPageToLoad",
"Target": "5000",
"Value": ""
newuserkantu does not explain to me well I want to open 5 links as you mentioned but that the link is variable as the example of the newspaper.
Need url to check the html and extract xpath of link
Post link of site otherwise it’s impossible to help you
It is the following I would like to know how I can open it in a new label:
February 4, 2020, 5:36pm
Ah… so the goal is to click on a link… and then open this link in a new tab. The command is Ctrl Left-click to open page in a new tab. This can be done with XClick.
XClick | xpath=//*[@id=“room_list”]/li[1]/a/img | #ctrlclick
See XClick and XMove - Real User Mouse Click Event Simulation, Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
This does the same as EVENT…MODIFIERS=“ctrl” in iMacros. Now I remember this
The user write dinamic link.
I think user wants to click the links of a paid to click site but without seeing the structure it is difficult to recognize them.
correct friend this is the solution thank you very much