Generate a random number from a range min - max numbers how do?

@ulrich @Timo @thecoder2012 @Plankton

What i can do a random javascript to generate a random number from 50 to 100 ?

I need to set min value and max value.

With executeScript_Sandbox i can genererate a randon number from 0

return Math.floor(Math.random()*11)

Random number between 0 and 10

How can I convert this to have a min value to start and a max value to choice random numbers ?


return Math.floor(50 + Math.random()*50) => random number between 50…100

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Working like a charm, thanks

Hello! I´m trying to generate a random number for the pause command. Between 3000 and 5000 (3 and 5s) for example. Is it possible by doing it in the target directly?


Here the solution

  "Name": "Random",
  "CreationDate": "2021-7-21",
  "Commands": [
      "Command": "executeScript_Sandbox",
      "Target": "var letters = ['3000','4000','5000'];  var string = '';  for(var i = 0; i < 1; i++){string += letters[parseInt(Math.random() * 3)]}; return string;",
      "Value": "v1",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "echo",
      "Target": "Random Value Is ${v1}",
      "Value": "#shownotification",
      "Description": ""
1 Like

Hi! I’m kinda new to UI Vision.
I have used it in the past, but now it’s getting more advanced.
I am not a developer of any kind, just a QA tester.
I am trying to generate a random number of 5 characters, and then use that random number to put into an invoice field. (this would be the invoice number).
How do I do this?

function generateRandomNumber() {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 90000) + 10000;

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Thank you. This helped!
I realized that I had to take that number and store it as a variable, and then use that variable in the next line.

      "Command": "executeScript_Sandbox",
      "Target": "return Math.floor(Math.random()*100001)",
      "Value": "randomInvoiceNumber",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "type",
      "Target": "id=LedgerJournalTransVendInvoice_3_InvoiceGroup_InvoiceBTCAP_input",
      "Value": "${randomInvoiceNumber}",
      "Description": ""

this will not guarantee 5 digit number.

I realized that.
Why is that true?
And how do I guarantee a 5 digit number?

return Math.floor(Math.random() * 90000) + 10000;