This error doesn’t happen every time, so I cannot tell you how to reproduce it.
Sometimes when it gets to the end of a loop, it just stops and doesn’t go back to the beginning of the loop until the whole thing times out. If I click on pause and then resume before the final timeout, it resumes.
Executing: | store | true | !errorignore |
Executing: | while | 2>1 | |
Executing: | label | WaitForButton | |
Executing: | verifyElementPresent | link=ENTER ANYWAY | |
‘link=ENTER ANYWAY’ element not present
Executing: | gotoIf | ${!LastCommandOK} | EnterAnyway |
Executing: | verifyTitle | classroom | |
title not matched,
expected: “classroom”,
actual: “EVC15 - Tech Analysis”
Executing: | gotoIf | ${!LastCommandOK} | EnterClassroom |
Executing: | click | link=Re-check | WaitForButton |
Executing: | endWhile | | |
Executing: | while | 2>1 | |
Executing: | label | WaitForButton | |
Executing: | verifyElementPresent | link=ENTER ANYWAY | |
timeout reached when looking for element ‘link=ENTER ANYWAY’
Executing: | gotoIf | ${!LastCommandOK} | EnterAnyway |
Executing: | verifyTitle | classroom | |
title not matched,
expected: “classroom”,
actual: “EVC15 - Tech Analysis”
Executing: | gotoIf | ${!LastCommandOK} | EnterClassroom |
Executing: | click | link=Re-check | WaitForButton |
Executing: | endWhile | | |
Executing: | while | 2>1 | | <<<<<gets stuck here!
The loop is the same one I have trouble with “Verify” not working. (Note, I bodged it by setting !errorIgnore to get around this error). Here it is again:
“CreationDate”: “2018-7-9”,
“Commands”: [
“Command”: “open”,
“Target”: “”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “while”,
“Target”: “2>1”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “verifyElementPresent”,
“Target”: “//*[@id=“xxxxxxxxxlogo”]/img”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “gotoIf”,
“Target”: “${!LastCommandOK}”,
“Value”: “EnterAnyway”
“Command”: “click”,
“Target”: “link=Web Testing”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “endWhile”,
“Target”: “”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “label”,
“Target”: “EnterAnyway”,
“Value”: “”