Free OCR API in Microsoft Flow

Hi! I’m trying to use the free OCR API in a Microsoft Flow, but somehow I can’t get it to work. I’ve created a flow which is being triggered by a HTTP request, then a compose action, extracting the file passed in the HTTP request (triggerMultipartBody(0)[‘$content’]) and then a HTTP action (POST), calling the API, with the following body:

“file”: -output from previous step-

When I do this in Postman, everything seems to be working fine, but when I get the response from Flow, I get the following:

“ParsedResults”: null,
“OCRExitCode”: 99,
“IsErroredOnProcessing”: true,
“ErrorMessage”: [
“Some internal processing error occurred. Please give us some time, we are looking into this!”
“ErrorDetails”: “”,
“ProcessingTimeInMilliseconds”: “1”,
“SearchablePDFURL”: null

What am I doing wrong?

Please can anyone suggest, this surely looks a very easy integration to Microsoft Flow, however it isnt working.

My message body is as below for a post request, still it doesnt work. Please can you put a fix soon.

Request body

“apikey”: “xyz”,
“url”: “


“OCRExitCode”: 99,
“IsErroredOnProcessing”: true,
“ErrorMessage”: [
“No file uploaded or URL or base64 provided”
“ErrorDetails”: “”,
“ProcessingTimeInMilliseconds”: “3”