First Argument Type Error for OCR Search

I am getting the below error for my first OCRSearch command in a macro. I have run this macro many times before and this is new. Looks like the version is 9.2.8

Blockquote[Line 6 (Sub: MacroName): The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type undefined

Here is the Source View for it
“Command”: “OCRSearch”,
“Target”: “Hold Information SOAHOLD”,
“Value”: “count”,
“Description”: “”

Hi, what OCR Engine did you select? We have now 2 local and 2 cloud OCR options.

Also, please try to uninstall and reinstall Ui.Vision.

I use the XModule Local OCR. When I did the uninstall/reinstall and confirmed that it was on XModule Local OCR, I got the below message but when I click Test It, it says that it is installed.

I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the Chrome extension then running the Macro but am still getting the same error.
[error]Line 6 (Sub: BannerSAAADMS_ResidencyCorrection): The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type undefined
At Line 39 in EVEAEdits

However, we recently moved the uivision home folder location to a network drive folder. So I figured I would try putting everything back in the folder uivision defaulted to when downloaded. When I moved everything back to the original default location, it started working again.

It worked once and now I am getting a different error

Error #170: No ipc available for the playing commands tab

Can you please post the network drive location here? (= what you put in the HOME box on the XModule tab).

One possible cause for this error: Ui.Vision needs write permission for the root folder. Reason: The OCR software writes the ocr_output.json file there:


That means it can not connect to the browser tab. Re-starting the macro should solve it (so that the page gets loaded again).