File open dialog on chrome Mac, XType not working?

When I used RPA before (several months ago), I could upload files via chrome on the Mac successfully via the following code;

  "Command": "click",
  "Target": "id=upload",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "pause",
  "Target": "1500",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "XType",
  "Target": "${path}",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "pause",
  "Target": "1000",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "XType",
  "Target": "${KEY_ENTER}",
  "Value": ""

However, this no longer appears to work? Nothing happens and only the KEY_ENTER is executed. Is this a known problem?


Note also that trying to open the path via the keyboard shortcut doesn’t work either:

  "Command": "XType",
  "Target": "${KEY_CMD+KEY_SHIFT+KEY_G}",
  "Value": ""

Hi, can you please post a screen video of this situation?

This was caused by a problem with KEY_CMD. The new XModule V2021-1 fixes this issue.