Greetings - I am in the process of migrating an EDI (electronic data interchange) built on the iMacros model to (potentially) UI.Vision. I am in the early stages of developing this migration and having issues with executing CL API via PHP.
I have reviewed the API / CL interface and have a specific question - my operations are housed on a web / application server. When attempting to use the CL interface from either the local or remote (on-demand call), I get the #204 error that UI.Vision is not locally installed.
I have also attempted to use PHP to call a local BAT file to execute the API autostart page, however the browser never loads when using the PHP system command.
Is there sample code for iMacros / UIV interactions represented in PHP? I see them for python / VBS / etc…, but looking for examples for PHP as well.
@ulrich thanks for your response earlier - I’ve tested this with PowerShell and have not been successful, even with the default code provided using the basic implementation - there must be something at a more elementary level that I am missing in this application - do you recommend any tutorial base that may assist in wrapping my head around basic requirements?
Greetings - after spending some additional time digging into this, I was able to get the PowerShell script working (after making some changes to the internal variables / file locations / etc…).
Going back to the original on-demand execution question - is there a suitable method for making calls from my existing PHP EDI framework to execute (and pass variables to and from) the UIV execution? I know the second part is a whole new thread, but wanted to mention it here.
The Ui.Vision API is just a command line call. And since PHP can call command line tools, it can start Ui.Vision, too.
iMacros model
Just like with the iMacros Scripting Interface, make sure that the browser (and thus Ui.Vision) runs under regular user account. Built-in system accounts often have restricted internet and GUI access rights. (I am not sure which account type PHP uses by default).
Computer vision, XClick and XType real user simulation command need an unlocked desktop (similar to the iMacros DirectScreen commands)
In PHP, you need to recreate something like the PlayAndWait loop that you have our code examples. ChatGPT, Gemini or Claude can translate this code to PHP for you in seconds.
Greetings - it has been a bit but I’m back with some successes -
I am now functionally able to execute the PlayAndWait scripting using PHP & Python for execution. I have not gotten into variable exchanging just yet, but getting ready for that next phase.
When I execute the test Macro using this PHP & Python method, I never see the actual browser load into the desktop, yet the log file shows that it completes successfully.
Let’s say for example the test Macro logs into a website - I start by making sure I’m logged out of the website and then run the Macro using PHP + Python. The browser never launches, but if I manually launch the browser and go into that website, I’m now already logged into it - so it MUST be running in the background.
My question is - is there a way to see the event launch (browser)? Is there something I need to change in my configuration or PY file (I used the generic python example) so that I can see the logging in event take place?