Error when building open source version

Just cloned the public repo and tried building it. I’ve ran npm i and npm run build

I’m getting many errors, about fines not found and also syntax errors. First 4 errors below:

ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘./src/desktop_screenshot_editor/index.tsx’ in ‘/Users/victorpopescu/projects/RPA’

ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘./src/options.ts’ in ‘/Users/victorpopescu/projects/RPA’

ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘./src/vision_editor/index.tsx’ in ‘/Users/victorpopescu/projects/RPA’

ERROR in ./src/common/imagesearch/adaptor.ts
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘…/…/…/imagesearch-testextension/src/ts/image-helper’ in ‘/Users/victorpopescu/projects/RPA/src/common/imagesearch’
@ ./src/common/imagesearch/adaptor.ts 6:23-88
@ ./src/ext/bg.js

Sorry for any delays in updating the public repo. We are in the process of rewriting a large part of Ui.Vision RPA source code as part of the MV3 transition. We will update our public RPA source code repository with the latest, stable version once that work is done.

Thank you for the update

  1. Do you have an ETA on the new version of the code?
  2. Could you update the repo to provide a fix to the current build? It is unworkable, unfortunately

We usually go not give out ETA, except internally for our Enterprise customers.

The current repo builds ok if you follow these hints.