[error] Module is not ready yet


After using the same code for days in a row, today when running the macro I received the following error after the code used the “VISUALASSERT” command:


Executing: | visualAssert | procinternonew_dpi_96.png | |


Module is not ready yet.


Macro failed (Runtime 6.95s)

I did a thorough check in the code and there was no modification that could cause this error. The image is inserted in the “VISUAL” tab and nothing changed.

Please help.

This error show that the WASM computer vision module is not loaded yet. But I am not sure why.

Question: Do you start kantu via the command line?

Sorry for taking so long to answer. Bottomline, I’ve stopped trying to solve this issue and just upgraded my FIREFOX to 64-bit QUANTUM and the bug disappeared.

Thanks a lot for your attention. Kantu is awesome.