Error ipcPromise: onAsk timeout 4000 for cmd "PANEL_CALL_PLAY_TAB", args {"ipcTimeout":100,"ipcNoLaterThan":3377482309134,"payload":

I have a error when I try input text, which would be the solution? It used to work fine but now I get the error. It’s weird because it takes a while to fill it in but then the error appears, although it does fill it in.

link of website where I try input info. Field description

“Command”: “type”,
“Target”: “id=description”,
“Value”: “Visita nuestra tienda …”,
“Description”: “”

log error:


Line 17: ipcPromise: onAsk timeout 4000 for cmd “PANEL_CALL_PLAY_TAB”, args {“ipcTimeout”:100,“ipcNoLaterThan”:3377482309134,“payload”:{“command”:“RUN_COMMAND”,“args”:{“command”:{“cmd”:“type”,“target”:“id=description”,“value”:"Visita…

Can you please post a test macro? In my test it worked ok.