I have a string which is “Hello World” and I have to somehow cut the first word out of it.
I tried to use name.slice(5) but it makes the string empty.
Here is my code:
"Command": "store",
"Target": "Hello World",
"Value": "name"
"Command": "storeEval",
"Target": "name.slice(5)",
"Value": "name"
Thank you so much if you could help me with this one!
Dude, don’t mean to be offensive but do you dues and RTFM. You’d get your answer much much quicker doing research.
"Command": "store",
"Target": "Hello World",
"Value": "name"
"Command": "storeEval",
"Target": "storedVars['name'].slice(5)",
"Value": "name"
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Thanks and sorry that I disturbed you a bit. I am really a beginner here.
If you could advise me something in particular I would really appreciate that.
JSON manual? Or Kantu one?
I’m not a programmer guy by all means. And I use Kantu for about couple weeks now.
All do is I read “Info for this command” and sometimes I Google “Kantu my_issue”
So far I’ve answered all my questions and few of yours.
It’s not about disturbance. It’s just much quicker for you and less work for admin to circle through our kindergarten questions and focus more on development.
I don’t think you should restrict yourself in questioning. Just spend few minutes in research before posting. That’s it.
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I fully agree with you man, will definitely research much more on my own first.
And I definitely didn’t pay enough attention to the ‘info for this command’ button.
Sorry for taking your time!