I’m randomly experiencing this error: E225: DOM failed to be ready in 30sec
Unlike the other two recent reports of this error here, I am not trying to download anything; just scrape.
The script reads from a CSV file, opens a page in a new tab, performs its duty (nothing heavy), saves the columns to another CSV file, and closes the tab. Repeat.
To restart after an error, I have to close the tab otherwise the macro doesn’t play. I don’t have to restart the browser.
Before that, I have to manually remove the lines in the CSV file up to the point it failed.
Two other reports I found of this error (below) were published only in the last month or so - has there been a recent change that causes this, perhaps?
(My script is new - I’m in testing right now.)
Other reports of this error (both seemingly unresolved):
We did change and rename some error messages with the last releases. The goal was to catch errors that would have otherwise just “froze” the IDE.
Now that we get better error messages, we need test macros. Then we can remove the root cause of these errors. Often it seems to be that a website responds too slowly.
I suppose you want a website with the script, too? I might be able to arrange permission for that but it will need to be a coordinated effort I think; ie, for a limited period of hours under supervision.
OTOH, I can provide the script if that might throw clues (without website).
All I can say is it’s not errored in two runs. Before it would defo error several times per run.
I have a random min-max pause that comes next in the command-chain which I need to allow an annoying progress bar to finish, although the error always happened on the OPEN command so that’s probably inconsequential.
Right, since using this workaround, I have noticed several occasions when the OPEN command is triggered and the countdown timer freezes at 11 for around 30-secs before continuing.
When it does continue it pauses on each storeText command for the timeout_wait period, even if the element is on the page.
[Added: 15-12-24] Confirmed via the log-file: “timeout reached when looking for element”, occuring each time the E225 error happens.
The macro continues into the next loop, which is more often than not OK. Until it happens again.
So basically, the knock-on effect of the workaround is a loop cycle that yields nothing, because in this macro, the contents of the storeText variable dictates the flow of the script; and it is being ignored.
I believe if this workaround wasn’t in place, it is where the E225: DOM failed to be ready in 30sec error would occur, given that it freezes for around 30-secs.
I have recorded a short video of when this happened in case it helps. It might be missing the first second or two.
Thinking more about this, and studying its behaviour, it seems to me that the !timeout_pageload command is not really preventing the error, rather the !errorignore is.
As mentioned above, my macro involves two websites, both of which can be effected. They each defo appear to be loaded when the error occurs. Indeed, if I run it in v6.2.8 all is well.