is kantu chrome support double click command? selenium does support double click but it seems kantu do not support double click command, can anyone help on this?
is kantu chrome support double click command? selenium does support double click but it seems kantu do not support double click command, can anyone help on this?
Indeed, selenium webdriver and selenium ide support double click to send double clicks to an element (e.g., a link, button, checkbox, or radio button). Kantu does not support this kind of of Javascript double-click event (yet?).
But with the Real User Simulation XModule it supports native system double clicks with the XClick command:
XClick | locator | #doubleclick
or XClick | image | #doubleclick
thanks, and will give a try.
Why does the screen become green when I use this Xclick command?
I have the same need to have a double click command in the web. XClcik does the work, but it moves the windows mouse.
Selenium IDE can do double click through webdriver, but I like to use Ui.Vision for many other reasons.
I tried to executeScript in DOM like document.getElementById(“a_1”).dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(‘dblclick’, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window} )), but the target webpage does not recognize it.
Is there any javascript that can do the job?