Does anyone know how to break through this authentication system through RPA?

On this sites : Slice - Login
when you login or signup account, you must do this authentication system. it would bring some animal face on screen.
You need to move the bottom of the rolling axis, re-rotating its face until it’s in the right direction.
Does anyone know how to break through this authentication system through RPA? or another rpa software?

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Haha, this is a tricky question. I am not sure how to solve it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. I tried it with ChatGPT V4 and also Google Bard - and both could not detect the correct upright position.

(If ChatGPT/Bard would have worked, you could have called their API directly from Ui.Vision).

PS: Moving the slider is easy with Ui.Vision, but I am not sure how to find out when the face is upright.

Hello, can you teach me how to call chatgpt api? I want to try what you say upon? And if you don’t mind, Can you show what is your full script of coding in UnivisionRPA before your tried?