CsvRead how many times and where to insert it into the macro code?

Hi @admin

I noticed that the CsvRead command should be indicated in the macro code several times when using the !csvReadMaxRow and !csvReadLineNumber command but I did not understand where the CsvRead command should be placed, I noticed that indicating it only at the beginning of the macro it seems that the loop does not work (but do not showing error in log).

Can you please explain to me where to indicate the CsvRead command in the macro code when using the !csvReadMaxRow and !csvReadLineNumber commands ?

If inside the macro I use !csvReadMaxRow and !csvReadLineNumber I must repeat CsvRead ?

From my tests seems before the first COL1 I must add CsvRead and must be added before the first !csvReadMaxRow and !csvReadLineNumber

Thanks for support

Hi, the DemoCsvReadWithWhile macro uses these commands.
Does this explain it?

This do not solve the problem because i do not know where i must add CsvRead

If in my macro i have 5 time the command !csvReadMaxRow and 5 time the command !csvReadLineNumber where I must add CsvRead ?

I added it before !csvReadMaxRow and !csvReadLineNumbe and before the first !COLX but I would like to know the exact rule so as to avoid inserting useless CsvRead
