I used to have CopyFish Pro, but had to unsub for awhile due to finances. I tried to go get a license again and none of the links on the site regarding pro gave me a way to subscribe. But I ended up on the OCR Space API page that offered their plan that had been the same price I remembered paying and think I had a misunderstanding thinking it was just some new way that had been implemented to use it… but I think I was incorrect and now have a Pro license for an API that’s not of much use to me when I was just trying to use CopyFish for Image OCR/translation. Is there something I’m missing or anything I can do to get CopyFish Pro or refund the thing I bought? If not, it’s my own fault I guess. I just am not sure what to do or if I’m missing something.
Please email our tech support at team AT ocr.space and we can refund the OCR API purchase.
Copyfish PRO has been discontinued.