Command Line - Open the JSON file Directly


Just curious if I can reference a macro via the JSON stored on the hard drive rather than by the macro name. So the URL I’m passing to Firefox via the command line could look something like this…


I’ve tried several formats but none work - I’m ether being told the filepath needs to be relative to the uivision folder or no macro found.


Actually, you must use the file name in “hard drive mode” :wink:

But the path is not absolute, instead it is relative to the macros root folder. The root folder is specified in the XModule settings page.

So instead of


this should work



Mac/PathToMacroJSON/uivision/ is your root folder.

See also here: Error Can't find macro with name "name" when run command line - #5 by admin

Thanks - that did it… :+1:

Hello! I’d like to run from file as well, but in order to do that, I think I need to install the XModule… and the XModule, for linux, is an .appImage file, which can’t be executed on an ARM computer (in my case, a Raspberry Pi). Therefore, there’s no way to run any files from disk because XModule can’t be installed. Is there a hacky way where I could reference the files within the folder the extension is installed in within the Chrome build, or is there some way to build the code from source on ARM, or some other workaround I haven’t considered?

1 plus. I want to do the same.