Changing wait time for visualSearch

From what I understand, visualSearch command waits for default 10 seconds based on !TIMEOUT_WAIT internal variable. I can’t figure out how to change it to wait for less seconds in my test code below. Thanks in advance.

“Command”: “visualSearch”,
“Target”: “HybridOrders_dpi_96.png”,
“Value”: “HybridOrderFound”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “gotoIf_v2”,
“Target”: “${HybridOrderFound} == 0”,
“Value”: “PostHybridCheck”,
“Description”: “”

you add a timeout command before that command to make this works.

store | 3 | !timeout_wait

3 is timeout for 3 seconds. The after that command, if you want to change it into like 5 seconds, just add a timeout command with 5.