Cant work with ocrextractrelative

Im trying to do a simple automation, but not succeding:
In a website, I want UI vision to search for a SPECIFIC VALUE (with is changing constantly).

1st line: Open |
2nd line: ocrextractrelative | 122.00% (in the US FEDERAL DEBT TO GDP RATIO)
3rd line: Run | C:\PC\bump sound effect.mp3

My goal is UI vision to scan the screen, every 15 seconds, and at the moment the SPECIFIC VALUE is found, it should perform the sound effect referred at the 3rd line.

I have tried to do this for plenty of hours but without success.

Im new to UI vision and I never had coded before I tried this software.

Thank you

The site you indicated continuously updates the values ​​so you can’t use ocrextractrelative commands you have to use regular xpath and study well how to prevent them from changing

I know that there is a possibility of reading and extracting values (for example the temperature on a website).
My idea is not so different. Are you completely sure that my idea is impossible? Because the value that I want to “focus” it doesn’t change so fast as most of the values on that website. It is regularly stable
