Can be called a 3rd party API from UI Vision IDE?

Hi all,

I’m trying to automate the login with UI vision IDE macro in a website that has some kind of security, so If I use HTML selectors normally when macro types user and password, after click in sign in button, appears different kinds of errors like “cannot connect to server”, “Can not connect to website”, “Error xyz…” or some other artificial error that only tells me that has an anti bot system and that was detected. If I use Xclick with images or XClickText, XClickTextRelative etc, it is still detecting main part of time. If inmediately I do the same operations of insert user and password manually, I can login without issues.

So, I see that are some scraping APIs out there, but I see that works in programming languages and not sure if some of that APIs solutions could help in make a flawless login. And if using some API I don’t know how to incorporate it or call it from a UI Vision macro.

I say a login macro to call it from UI Vision IDE since there are some other macros after the login is successful.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice in how to fix this issue.
