Calls number error


I’m trying to use your OCR-PRO-PDF API, I’ve been using it for years and now I’m facing this error and I don’t understand why:

You can only perform this action a maximum of 10 times in 86,400 seconds

Do you have any suggestions please?


This is a strange error, thank you for reporting it. Of course, the PRO and PRO PDF accounts allow for much more conversions per minute (> 200 conversions/minute).

→ Having said that, please try again now. We made some changes to the endpoint. Is the issue gone now?

Also, as a side note, I see in your screenshot that you are using the PRO3 endpoint. This endpoint redirects to PRO2 meanwhile. So I recommend that you use the PRO2 url directly.

Regarding the url, I have a failure logic, which alternates between 1,2,3. I carried out new tests this morning, the first 10 requests are met, then the limitation error occurs

The process seems to have normalized, I only have one question: how many simultaneous processes can I carry out? I saw that it has a limitation of 10, would that be correct?

Yes, up to 10 concurrent connections are allowed per api key. So if you use 2 api keys you will have 20 concurrent connections, etc.