Bloqued on Await oReponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() in vb net


I am trying to adapt this Github code in VB NET

I have create an accont and have a ApiKey

Await oHttpClient.PostAsync(“”, oListener) seam to be OK, but i do not know if the content is ok or not, and code block on following instruction:
sContenu = Await oReponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()

I Will put the code below,
Is somebody has an idea on what i do wrong ?

’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
’ — VERSION 1.0 - 2022/08/08
’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Linq

Imports System.Net.Http
Imports System.IO
Imports Newtonsoft.Json

Public Class ClassFreeOCR
Implements IDisposable

Public c_const_FreeOCRKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"

Public oHttpClient As New Net.Http.HttpClient()

' ------------------------------------------------------
' ---
' ---
' ------------------------------------------------------

#Region “Constructeur”

‘’’ New()

Sub New()

    Catch ex As Exception
        Dim oMethod As Reflection.MethodBase = Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()
        Throw New Exception(ex.Message & Chr(10) & oMethod.DeclaringType.Name & "::" & oMethod.Name)
    End Try
End Sub

#End Region

' ------------------------------------------------------
' ---
' ---
' ------------------------------------------------------

#Region “Methodes Publques”

‘’’ _PerformOCRDenorm()

#Region “_PerformOCRDenorm”
Sub _PerformOCRDenorm(sRepertoireFrom As String, sFichierFrom As String, sRepertoireTo As String)
Dim oListener As New MultipartFormDataContent()
Dim oImageData() As Byte = Nothing
Dim sExt As String

        oG.fCR.fSousTitre._Ecrire("Configuration du listener <MultipartFormDataContent>")
        oHttpClient.Timeout = New TimeSpan(1, 1, 1)

        sExt = UCase(DLLSystemIOFile._GetExtensionName(sFichierFrom))
        'oListener.Add(New StringContent(c_const_FreeOCRKey), "apikey") '' Added api key In form data
        'oListener.Add(New StringContent("helloworld"), "apikey") '' Added api key In form data
        oListener.Add(New StringContent("French"), "language")
        oListener.Add(New StringContent("2"), "ocrengine")
        oListener.Add(New StringContent("true"), "scale")
        oListener.Add(New StringContent("true"), "istable")

        oImageData = File.ReadAllBytes(sRepertoireFrom & "\" & sFichierFrom)
        Select Case sExt
            Case "JPG", "PNG"
                oListener.Add(New ByteArrayContent(oImageData, 0, oImageData.Length), "image", "image." & LCase(sExt))
            Case "PDF"
                oListener.Add(New ByteArrayContent(oImageData, 0, oImageData.Length), "PDF", "pdf." & LCase(sExt))
        End Select

        Dim oReponse As Threading.Tasks.Task(Of HttpResponseMessage)
        oG.fCR.fSousTitre._Ecrire("Attente de la reponse <HttpResponseMessage>")
        oReponse = _AttenteReponse(oListener)

        Dim sContenu As Threading.Tasks.Task(Of String)
        oG.fCR.fSousTitre._Ecrire("Lecture du contenu <HttpResponseMessage>")
        sContenu = _LectureContenuReponse(oReponse.Result)
        sExt = sExt

        'Dim oContenu
        'Dim oHttpReponse As HttpResponseMessage

        'sContenu = oHttpReponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
        'sContenu = sContenu
        'Dim oObjetOCR As New Object
        'oObjetOCR = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject < Rootobject > (strContent);

    Catch ex As Exception
        Dim oMethod As Reflection.MethodBase = Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()
        Throw New Exception(ex.Message & Chr(10) & oMethod.DeclaringType.Name & "::" & oMethod.Name)
    End Try
End Sub

#End Region

#End Region

Async Function _AttenteReponse(oListener As MultipartFormDataContent) As Threading.Tasks.Task(Of HttpResponseMessage)
    Dim oReponse As HttpResponseMessage
        'Dim sContenu As String
        oReponse = Await oHttpClient.PostAsync("", oListener)

        'sContenu = Await oReponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
    Catch ex As Exception
        Dim oMethod As Reflection.MethodBase = Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()
        Throw New Exception(ex.Message & Chr(10) & oMethod.DeclaringType.Name & "::" & oMethod.Name)
    End Try
    Return oReponse
End Function

Async Function _LectureContenuReponse(oReponse As HttpResponseMessage) As Threading.Tasks.Task(Of String)
    Dim sContenu As String
        sContenu = Await oReponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
    Catch ex As Exception
        Dim oMethod As Reflection.MethodBase = Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()
        Throw New Exception(ex.Message & Chr(10) & oMethod.DeclaringType.Name & "::" & oMethod.Name)
    End Try
    Return sContenu
End Function

#Region “IDisposable Support”
Private disposedValue As Boolean ’ Pour détecter les appels redondants

' IDisposable
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
    If Not disposedValue Then
        If disposing Then
            ' TODO: supprimer l'état managé (objets managés).
        End If

        ' TODO: libérer les ressources non managées (objets non managés) et remplacer Finalize() ci-dessous.
        ' TODO: définir les champs de grande taille avec la valeur Null.
    End If
    disposedValue = True
End Sub

' TODO: remplacer Finalize() seulement si la fonction Dispose(disposing As Boolean) ci-dessus a du code pour libérer les ressources non managées.
'Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
'    ' Ne modifiez pas ce code. Placez le code de nettoyage dans Dispose(disposing As Boolean) ci-dessus.
'    Dispose(False)
'    MyBase.Finalize()
'End Sub

' Ce code est ajouté par Visual Basic pour implémenter correctement le modèle supprimable.
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
    ' Ne modifiez pas ce code. Placez le code de nettoyage dans Dispose(disposing As Boolean) ci-dessus.
    ' TODO: supprimer les marques de commentaire pour la ligne suivante si Finalize() est remplacé ci-dessus.
    ' GC.SuppressFinalize(Me)
End Sub

#End Region
End Class

Sorry, for you information this line is not commented in my test:

oListener.Add(New StringContent(c_const_FreeOCRKey), “apikey”)