I’ve been trying to get the autostart to work via command line, but it seems that only the first parameter following the “.html” is recognised. the “&” and whatever parameter behind it do not show up in the address bar, and do not take effect.
If I run it as chromium file:///…/ui.vision.html?direct=1&folder=[my folder name], it will start chromium with “file:///…/ui.vision.html?direct=1” in the address bar, and prompt me with the “Command line must include one of these params : Macro, Folder, Testsuite” message. when I manually type the “&folder=[my folder name]” into the address bar at the end, and hit enter, the macro starts without issue.
If i run it as chromium file:///…/ui.vision.html?folder=[my folder name]&direct=1, it will start chromium with “file:///…/ui.vision.html?folder=[my folder name]” in the address bar, and prompt me to start macro. After clicking the prompt, the macro starts without issue.
I am on Arch with KDE Plasma 6. Have tried this with Ui.vision in both firefox and chromium, and tried other parameters besides folder and macro, with the same outcome. My autostart html file is unchanged, and I’ve tried downloading it from both the firefox and chromium extensions. I have yet to test on windows, but has anyone encountered anything similar to this? Or is there some part of the setup that I missed?
This feels more like an issue with your calling script. Are you sure that the URL is created correctly? Does it work if you paste it manually in the web browser?
work perfectly when i copy paste them into the address bar of an already open firefox window.
i’ve also went and disabled pop up blockers, same results
This is what my terminal outputs like when i hit enter (in addition to opening the browser window). It seems like the terminal truncates everything after the “&” when it launches the browser?
Thank you! a simple webbrowser.open_new in python works, the parameters are not truncated and the browser and extension both launch successfully
however, the ui.vision extension window now refuses to load the macro list, and instead prompts me with “Started by command line. Macro list not loaded.”, as shown in the screenshot below