Automating CSV Import into Kantu's local storage

Hello Everyone, I’m new to the community,

Every day I have a process that generates a CSV file that I use to run some tests. Is there any way to auto import this CSV files to Kantu’s Local Storage? Or is there any way to import CSV files using command lines/bash/python/etc?

Thank you

Kantu, being a browser extension, can not read from files directly (at least not without some “tricks”).

As a workaround for now, you could make a little SeeShell Desktop Automation script that opens Kantu (clicks the Kantu icon in the browser) and then clicks the import button of Kantu, and thus automates the input.

So you would have two commands lines then

SeeShell is Windows only.

If you are on Mac and Linux: Please wait a few weeks, we are working on bring file access for Kantu with some special enhancement, we are working on it right now.

Thank you for the quick response. Please do let me know when SeeShell is available for Linux. Thank you