Atempting upload files based on a mouse offset

Okay so long story short I’m trying to upload pictures to facebook

Seeshell doesn’t know which file to upload and I have many needing to be uploaded in a specific order.

So my idea was, to grab the mouse position of the picture file (I have them all in perfect order) click upload then offset the mouse position to the next position which will be the next file that it needs to upload so for example it will look something like this

Open Facebook
Post picture
add +30 to mouse x cordinates
go to label

Or (if I have files that are multiple rows down I just make all files visible in windows explorer)

Open Facebook
Post picture
add +30 to mouse x cordinates
loop 7times
add +100 to mouse y coordinate
subtract -30 to mouse x 7 times
go to label

How can I achieve this because I don’t see it possible? I also don’t know code and facebook was just an example I want to do this with other sites as well.