After timeout the page reload isnt working

Hi all,

For example an Internal server error, the UI vision waiting for the timeout, and continue the macro, and the next step (page load) is OK (i can see), but the software cant see it, still waiting for the successfully processed page load. After timeout cant work again without manual restart. This is a very disappointly bug (among others… :()

  • timeout reached when looking for element ‘id=main-form:cancel’

  • [status]

Current loop: 6

  • [info]

Executing: | csvRead | datase.csv | |

  • [info]

Executing: | open | | |

And from here infinite loop (timeout load timeout load…)… despite of successful load

Add in your macro this code

store | true | !errorIgnore

And macro continue in case of errors.

Thanks, but this isnt working. I realized that this problem occurs after an Internal Server Error (witch is inevitable). After this error the program works like lost the connection with the browser, it can reload the page, but cant perceive the success of the loading. I can ward this problem only by close and reopen the browser and the UI vision page.

Hi, can you please add a screencast of this issue? So you are saying UI vision OPEN hangs if the page has an internal server error?

In my test all works fine:

  "Name": "internalservererror",
  "CreationDate": "2020-2-4",
  "Commands": [
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "10",
      "Value": "!Timeout_pageload"
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "true",
      "Value": "!errorignore"
      "Command": "open",
      "Target": "",
      "Value": ""
      "Command": "echo",
      "Target": "it works ok",
      "Value": "green"

Thank you, but dont creates real Internal Server Error. I have this preble with open and refresh too (or all command witch i dont tried yet). I need that the script can continue the loop after an ISE with open or refresh. Sorry i cant add screencast because i use it in non-public page.
Now i get this error, and my script got out of sync:

  • [warning] Web page connection issue. Retrying last command.