Xtype/sendkeys - KEY_CMD for MAC?

me too
The same problem, the same version
it can not work

hope to fixing it for Mojave 10.14.5

I’m also having this issue for Mac OS Catalina. Is there a work around for this? My current goal is to copy and paste info from a google sheets doc using xtype into a separate website one by one. Thank you!

I don’t use a mac, however, could you use this? (if I understand what you are wanting correctly):

  "Name": "Window",
  "CreationDate": "2019-12-5",
  "Commands": [
  "Command": "open",
  "Target": "https://forum.ui.vision/t/xtype-sendkeys-key-cmd-for-mac/1137/23",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "selectWindow",
  "Target": "TAB=OPEN",
  "Value": "https://forum.ui.vision/t/issue-41-xclick-dual-monitor-support/1385"
  "Command": "echo",
  "Target": "Copy from Google Sheets",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "selectWindow",
  "Target": "tab=0",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "echo",
  "Target": "Paste Into website",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "selectWindow",
  "Target": "tab=1",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "echo",
  "Target": "Return to Google Sheets",
  "Value": ""

This sounds like what I’m doing. I’m also having this issue.

Current workaround I am using is Xclick to the edit menu in sheets using coordinates and Xtype KEY_C to copy, go to the other web page and select the element, then Xclick to the Mac edit menu and Xtype KEY_P and KEY_ENTER to paste.

Hope this is fixed soon!

Update: Please see XType for Mac KEY_CMD not working - #4 by admin

I will lock this post so we have only one to discuss this issue.

Finally the new XModule V2021-1 solves this issue. And it adds support for multiple modifier keys.