sourceExtract "#nomatchfound" does not work with some regex

Hello Kantu team, if I’m using some regex the program is stuck, instead of displaying “#nomatchfound”.

How to reproduce:

Browser: Google Chrome (not tested in Firefox)
Command: sourceExtract
Target: regex=(?<=Date for your return trip:([\s\S]?)Терминал:</div>\s.\s.+\s)[\wа-яё А-ЯЁ]+(?=\s*</div>)
Value: terminal_return

HTML source code to parse:

  1. Case 1, it works in this case and I can extract the string"EZY й Ёжик 4569 mlkjm Йод Йоб Башня" because there is the string “Терминал:” in this html
<div class="admin_list_item clearfix" wfd-id="41">
<div class="admin_list_item_two" wfd-id="48">YES</div>
mlkfjsmlkfjkmsl sfsfsdfsdf
				<div class="admin_list_item_one" wfd-id="43">Терминал:</div>
				<div class="admin_list_item_two" wfd-id="42">
					EZY й Ёжик 4569 mlkjm Йод Йоб Башня		     
  1. Case 2, it does not work, because there is no string “Терминал:” in this html, we expect #nomatchfound in this case, but the probram just get stuck
<div class="admin_list_item clearfix" wfd-id="41">
<div class="admin_list_item_two" wfd-id="48">YES</div>
mlkfjsmlkfjkmsl sfsfsdfsdf
				<div class="admin_list_item_one" wfd-id="43">Номер рейса:</div>
				<div class="admin_list_item_two" wfd-id="42">
					EZY й Ёжик 4569 mlkjm Йод Йоб Башня		     

Thank you for help in advance.

I found an error in my regex:
it must be like this:
regex=(?<=Date for your return trip:([\s\S]?)Терминал:</div>\s.\s…)[\wа-яё А-ЯЁ]+(?=\s*</div>)