Select Frame - - Issues / Help needed

What am I doing wrong? No matter what code I generate, I keep getting an error of “The selected frame has been removed. You may want to use another selectFrame before its removal” … I’m getting this error even from my first line of code - - whereby the code is otherwise just a simple “[Command]SelectWindow [Target]tab=1” … I can’t find anything about this issue elsewhere on Google or this forum to provide me clearer context about what I am doing wrong?

Post url page please

I’m sorry what are you asking for? I keep getting this issue no matter what I try. Do you have any insight to share on general reasons for what could be causing it? On the pages I’m trying to use automation with there are no “frames” present when I look at the source code.

Strangely something else occurs - - if I run the code the first time, it errors out… But if the related website is already loaded then the error doesn’t occur.

Post images and screencast i never seen the error you writed here