Resetting times variable

Hi Again

just clarifying if you stop a macro with a times variable from 1-10 halfway through with a if statement and tell it to go to a label if that condition is not met, should the times restart from 1 again or continue from where it left off?

i will include the code in a different message from @Marvin_Droid , its what we call our robot who does everything

  "Command": "times",
  "Target": "20",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "times",
  "Target": "10",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "verifyElementPresent",
  "Target": "/html/body/div[2]/form/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/div[${!times}]",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "if_v2",
  "Target": "${!LastCommandOk} == true",
  "Value": "if recon exists",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "verifyElementPresent",
  "Target": "/html/body/div[2]/form/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/div[${!times}]/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/a",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "if_v2",
  "Target": "${!LastCommandOk} == false",
  "Value": "if no potential others",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "click",
  "Target": "/html/body/div[2]/form/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/div[${!times}]/div[2]/a[1]",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "pause",
  "Target": "2000",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "refresh",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "end",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "else",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "open",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "move onto next page"
  "Command": "gotoLabel",
  "Target": "bank feeds",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "move onto next page"
  "Command": "end",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "end",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "verifyElementPresent",
  "Target": "/html/body/div[2]/form/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div/ul/li[3]/a",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "if_v2",
  "Target": "${!LastCommandOk} == true",
  "Value": "if next page exists",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "click",
  "Target": "/html/body/div[2]/form/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div/ul/li[3]/a",
  "Value": "nextpage",
  "Description": "move onto next page"
  "Command": "pause",
  "Target": "2000",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "authy"
  "Command": "else",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "move onto next page"
  "Command": "open",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "move onto next page"
  "Command": "gotoLabel",
  "Target": "bank feeds",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "move onto next page"
  "Command": "end",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "end",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "else",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "gotoLabel",
  "Target": "bank feeds",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "move onto next page"
  "Command": "end",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "reconcile"
  "Command": "open",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "move onto next page"
  "Command": "gotoLabel",
  "Target": "bank feeds",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": "move onto next page"
  "Command": "end",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "executeScript_Sandbox",
  "Target": "return Number (${!CSVREADLINENUMBER}) +1;",
  "Value": "currentRow",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "end",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "click",
  "Target": "xpath=//*[@id=\"header\"]/header/div[2]/ol[2]/li[5]/button/div/abbr",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "clickAndWait",
  "Target": "xpath=//*[@id=\"header\"]/header/div[2]/ol[2]/li[5]/div/div[2]/div/ol/li[6]/a",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": ""
  "Command": "selectWindow",
  "Target": "tab=close",
  "Value": "",
  "Description": ""


Hi All

was on leave for the week, do we have an answer to this, all I need to confirm is if it should restart from one again or continue from where it left off, I would prefer the situation where it starts from one again.

I take it there is no answer to this?

I started using the while command instead and that seems to work just fine as it doesnt want to restart where the previous one left off.