[Recreator Required] Command disappear problem

Hi, I got this problem too many times.
When I use “Run from here” and run from a comment, after completing, this comment disappeared.
I try to go to Source View, and do Ctrl + Z but it takes multiple times to restore this comment.
You can see this in the screenshot here:https://drive.google.com/file/d/10N66bHUuyX8wuIL8Mi5NeqWKO7c6LFeY/view?usp=sharing
Sorry about my bad english

Hi… does this happen always or “only” sometimes? I have not seen this issue yet myself.

In your log appears RPA is not connected to the browser, in this case you must close and reopen the browser and restart the macro.

When show this error you must always close and reopen browser because RPA can not control the tabs.

I think only this marco contains that error

This error “not connected” is before I test so it’s not related.

I used AutoHotkey to make a new combine for delete cookies key combination in Chrome.

When there is this error you must close browser and reopen because from this moment RPA do not control the tabs

When you see “RPA is not connected” you can NOT continue to execute macro, you must close browser, wait complete exit and restart browser.

I already create a login and signup for fb and working perfect, there is NOT any problem to automate fb login or fb signup, already tested by me.

You can see here, this error doesn’t relate to Error “not connect…”

Post complete code of macro here i want to try to test, thanks

“Command”: “comment”,
“Target”: "TEST ERROR ",
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “open”,
“Target”: “https://www.google.com/”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “selectWindow”,
“Target”: “tab=closeallother”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “XType”,
“Target”: “${KEY_WIN+KEY_CTRL+KEY_6}”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “pause”,
“Target”: “5000”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “comment”,
“Target”: "deleteAllCookies // ",
“Value”: “”

In this case, I use AutoHotkey to assign action clear chrome cookies by “win + ctrl + 6”
Code autohotkey:
send, ^+{Del}
sleep 2000
Send, {Enter}
sleep 1000
Send, ^w
sleep 500
Send, {F5}
sleep 1000

I tried your code and working no problem, try to remove AutoHotkey command it can damage the correct execution of RPA because change the focus of windows.

Your code working well no problem, no bug.

You can delete cookie and cache with RPA.