This program is amazing. I really like it but am experiencing a couple issues I was hoping you could help me to solve. I have created a form on my wordpress website and successfully got the code to run. I open a new tab to run the macro on the website that i need to fill out the form, submit and then click to download a file. The code only runs when I submit the form.
Issue 1: When I return to my webpage the macro attempts to run again, is there anyway to stop this from happening?
Issue 2: I used direct=true at the end of the website i am visiting but
the popup is still coming up if i want to run the macro
Issue 3: Since my website is a production website, i do not want to show the user what the macro is doing, is there anyway to hide it?
I tried referencing your documentation to solve these issues, but I feel
the documentation can be improved. Please Help! Thank you.
First, to clarify: I assume you use the method of embedding macros in the website, right?
issue 1: When I return to my webpage the macro attempts to run again, is there anyway to stop this from happening?
You could write some javascript that detects this (e. g. by reading from a cookie) and then does not call the “run macro” JS snippet.
Issue 2: I used direct=true at the end of the website i am visiting but
the popup is still coming up if i want to run the macro
Did you add the website URL to the whitelist of allowed websites ?
Issue 3: Since my website is a production website, i do not want to show the user what the macro is doing, is there anyway to hide it?
Do you mean you want to run the macro without the UI.Vision extension showing?