I need to save image of an element in predefined dimension

storeImage takes a screenshot of the element, so it saves the image as displayed in the web browser, including zoom level.

To save the original file you can automate the "Save Image As " dialog:

In this example I am saving the “A” image of your avatar :wink:


  "Name": "saveas",
  "CreationDate": "2020-2-25",
  "Commands": [
      "Command": "open",
      "Target": "https://forum.ui.vision/t/i-need-to-save-image-of-an-element-in-predefined-dimension/4660",
      "Value": ""
      "Command": "XClick",
      "Target": "xpath=//*[@id=\"post_1\"]/div/div[1]/a/img",
      "Value": "#right"
      "Command": "XType",
      "Value": ""
      "Command": "XType",
      "Target": "${KEY_ENTER}",
      "Value": ""
      "Command": "pause",
      "Target": "1000",
      "Value": ""
      "Command": "XType",
      "Target": "${KEY_ENTER}",
      "Value": ""