How to Store URL without Protocol ("http://"/"https://")?

Can anyone point me on how to store !URL but without protocol, so instead of storing i’d like to only store, thank you!

I try to use executescript_sandbox to remove url protocol but i got error: Line 3: Error in executeScript_Sandbox code: expected expression, got ‘:’

“Command”: “store”,
“Target”: “${!URL}”,
“Value”: “homeurl”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “executeScript_Sandbox”,
“Target”: “var mystring = ${homeurl}; var replaced = mystring.replace(https?:\/\/, “”); return replaced”,
“Value”: “homeurl”,
“Description”: “”

Please help? Thank you

okay my fault, my regex is faulty, it should be:

var mystring = ${homeurl}; var replaced = mystring.replace(/https?:///, “”); return replaced