How to run macros in a folder using command line?

Hello! Thank you for designing such a great tool for UI test.

I come across a problem when using command line to run macros inside a folder, can you give me some solution? I read the description in UI Automation Open-Source Selenium IDE plus additional features, iMacros alternative.

It’s ok to using command line to run single macro in AppleScript, using
tell application “Google Chrome” to open location "file:///Users/XXX/Documents/code/kantutest/XXX/XXX.html?direct=1&closeKantu=1&savelog=demotestlog.txt

But I cannot run macros in a folder using folder parameter, Here is the AppleScript:
tell application “Google Chrome” to open location “file:///Users/XXX/Documents/code/kantutest/XXX/XXX.html?direct=1&closeKantu=1&savelog=demotestlog.txt&folder=XXX&storage=xfile”

KanTu log reports the error:
[error]No folder found for XXX, or no macro found in it

Please tell me how to run macros in a folder by using command line, thanks a lot!

The only difference between running a macro and a testsuite (= all macros in a certain folder) is the command line switch macro=a/sap and folder=a. See here:

Run “SAP” Macro:
tell application "Google Chrome" to open location "file:///Users/admin/Desktop/dummy.html?macro=a/sap&direct=1&closeBrowser=1&closeKantu=1&savelog=log1.txt"

Run all macros in testsuite “a”:
tell application "Google Chrome" to open location "file:///Users/admin/Desktop/dummy.html?folder=a&direct=1&closeBrowser=1&closeKantu=1&savelog=log1.txt"

Note that “dummy.html” can be any HTML file with the UIVision autorun code inside. It is only used to start the browser.

AppleScript window:

See also: Launching Kantu from Command Line on a Mac - #4 by Timo

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