How to run macro from C#, console without license limits

1- we want to run one by one command from C# and we want to use for winform scan to get data, is there any C# wraper or dll like OpenQA.selenium.dll or UIAutomation.dll
2- XModule, direct we can use where we just want to use UIVision engine, we need to run test 1 by 1 from console app and need to get data from winform, so we can write data in json. like in selenium we get control & then sendkey() is called to fill control & element.text or element.value or use element.getProperty(“value”) etc to grab data from control for example First Name (txtFName), root.getElementById(“txtFName”).text, it gives value in string format that we can utilize for data usage purpose.

Thank you for answering, If you can make it more clear on the following
1- Steps for setup environment or driver for automation , target is winform desktop.
2- In C# code, how to get storevalue or storetext to get in C#. We are able to run command, our objective is to deal with each element, basically we get element,

Note: we just need UIVision engine or assembly only where UIVision restrictions dont apply.for desktop automation, also we dont want to run winappdriver or appium driver.