Error 203 and 204 every time i run my script!


i get this errors every time i runs my vbs and must click on the ok button and refresh the page to solve the problem!
this is my starter code
Set objShell6 = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ).exec("""C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"" --user-data-dir=""H:\Chrome User Data\Master6"" ""file:///C:\Ui.Vision\""")

Did you allow file URL access in Chrome?

As a test, do you get the same error when using Firefox?

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yes allowed it
i do it with firefox and have no problem

I will explain a little more.
I have two hard drives. One SSD and one HDD
My Windows is on a SSD(drive c) and the profiles are on a HDD(drive h)
and when i move profiles to the drive c (SSD) my problem get solved and when move them to drive h (HDD) i get that erros(sometimes 203 and sometimes 204), whats the problem?

you no have any idea?

and when i move profiles to the drive c (SSD) my problem get solved and when move them to drive h (HDD) i get that erros(sometimes 203 and sometimes 204), whats the problem?

And all works fine in Firefox (on both drives)? If so, can you please test with Edge as well?

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after 2 hours trying with FF i must say its like chrome and have no problem on ssd but get error on hdd

This is strange. If you are an Enterprise user, you can contact us directly and we could do a remote session for testing this further.

Otherwise some more questions: Did it work on the hard drive (non SSD) before? Or never?

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I am not an Enterprise user. I had ssd on the system from the beginning and have not tried it yet. I have to remind you that these errors occur in two ways (in my system)
1- When I run the script for the first time after the system is turned on (next time it runs without any problems)
2- When my HDD is in use (high)

Ahh! Then this is a timeout issue. The page gets loaded but the browser and RPA extension is not ready in time => the page can not connect to the extension and thus reports a timeout. These are the #203 and #204 errors.

Workaround: In your CLI script if you start the browser by itself and then pause for 3-10 seconds and then start the macro you won’t have this issue as well as some others. (batch file example code here)

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This error can be easily fixed by you, by adding the Auto Retry feature. When this errors occurs.
And about your solution:
This is my vbscript code snippet.
Set objShell6 = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ).exec("""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"" -no-remote -profile ""H:\firefox profiles\btc-1"" ""file:///C:\Ui.Vision\""")
How can i add a delay?

Good idea. => Actually, you can fix this yourself for now by editing the file :slight_smile:

=> Does that solve it?

Here are the two timeout values to change:

Line 49: Change “8000” to e. g. “30000”

Line 61: Change MAX_TRY from 3 to e. g. 20



yes, its worked, thanks
Can you explain about the two parameters? That I can choose the right numbers.

Great to hear that! Both parameters are essentially the “autoretry” feature that you mentioned. Autoretry is already in the code, but the duration was not long enough in your case. You can make both values larger/longer, there should be no negative side effect for you.

The only side effect is that if UIVision is really not installed in the browser, it would take a long time for the error message to show. But this is only a problem for first time UIVision users, which you are not :wink: - but that is the reason why we did not make the values too large - that would be confusing for beginners.


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray: I am grateful for your accurate response.